Why I Love Psychology

posted under by Zul aka Japp

I started to show interest in this particular 'topic' when i was finish my final exam. Man, it was freedom after all the hard work! While waiting for result and University entry,i found myself in boredom and clueless. It was long holiday and my life is doing the same thing day after day even though i'm in japan that time. One day, i drop by at the book store i found this interesting book by Allan and Barbara Pease"The Definitive Book of Body Language"(this is great book to read) Then i realize that im starting to like more about psychology. Every night i serve on internet to look every little detail about psychology. I been self studying for almost 3 month alone and it change my perspective and point of view towards life.It has transform a new me. I helps A LOT!. Now, i feel more confident about myself, i can solve my problem without nobody helps, i'm more aware about my surrounding, i can inter prate someone feelings and emotion, and so fourth. Plus, i can be part time counselor. haha just kidding! ;)

So today, i want to show something cool that i learn to guys. Its simple i want you to take s sheet of paper and a pencil. I want you to draw this following on the sheet of paper . It can be big as the whole page and smallest as a dot. It doesnt matter. Draw at your own will.

draw a mountain

2nd draw a snake
draw a heart

4th sign your autograph

For every picture has its own interpretation. When you draw this picture,i want you to feel what best for you. Do not follow your friends or whatsoever. This will show your true personalities if it done correctly..After you finish drawing, i want you to hold that in your thought. The answer i will post it on my next post.Anyway, this is just for fun dont expect to be 100% correct . So keep checking up my blog and my post and if you want to ask any question or helps just leave a comment. thanks!



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